Saturday, December 31, 2011
A Head Start on Foolishness

Thursday, December 22, 2011
Michelle O Got a Big Ol' Butt!... Oh... No

Just when you think the coast is clear and you gon' have a good damn day, Eurocentric Beauty Standards strike again! I almost threw my phone across the room this morning when I read about Wisconsin Congressman, Jim Sensenbrenner's ugly, ignorant, racist, sexist comments about First Lady, Michelle Obama's rear end. According to his big as a single family home ass, " She lectures us on eating right while she has a large posterior herself."

Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Yule Get Drop Kicked

There are a significant number of reasons as to why this situation that is happening on my desk at work is just wrong. Look, I love Jesus
Listen, I'm just tryin' to work here. However, at times it's a struggle with this distracting ass twig with random ball configuration directly in my line of sight. There has to be an ordinance or code under some obscure labor law that will allow me to sue my employer for subjecting me to this foolishness.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
But This Photo, Though

Friday, December 2, 2011
Added Ridiculum

This week, my fiancee and I launched our wedding website. Well, sort of. It's still missing some content, but it's a start. And as if I'm doing a spectacular job of keeping up with my own site, this blog,
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
This Shit Right Here, Son!

This hoodie right here is giving me life. It's just the sort of eye candy a girl needs to get through daylight savings, the middle of the week... and being poor. Okay, actually, maybe I need more than a picture of a bad-ass hoodie to get me through poverty. But you get my point.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
We Came. We Saw. We Boomed.

Remember a few weeks ago when I told you about the Boom Girls shows that were going to be poppin' off in Stockton and Oakland? Well, them joints happened and it was fire. Folks were hospitalized for smoke inhalation. We burned it down, pyromaniac style. And that's not me bragging. That's me telling the truth and also testifying to how much of a blessing it was to be able to collaborate with women that I consider to be my sisters. Despite hectic schedules and individual responsibilities, we came together, worked hella hard, created some wonderful art, and had the honor and privilege of inspiring so many people. I was honored to share a stage with all of these women.

Friday, October 14, 2011
Color Struck

Friday, October 7, 2011
Don't Do It Like That

I then sent her the following email:
The fact that I still don't have my key (well over a week after requesting it) is just ridiculous. I'm completely confused as to why you would keep a key to a location that you have removed your property from, after you no longer have a right to access the property. I'm also confused as to why, when I requested the key, you chose not to return it to the property and deposit it in the mailbox as instructed and why, after being asked to mail it, you did not do so, but kept the key for several days following.
Monday, September 26, 2011
I Don't Even Feel Like It, But...

Thursday, September 22, 2011
Why Cutting Up is NECESSARY

And I'm not really in support of setting fires and turning cars over, but...
It is definitely time to start some fires and turn some cars over. Because, I for one am tired of the United States killing my folks. And if the judicial system and it's police officers will mercilessly murder Troy, and Amadou, and Suzy Pena, and wrongfully imprison Assata, then they will do it to my children, me, and you. And they won't stop there.
The conversation since last night has been about exactly what to do. I don't have that answer. I'm still trying to figure it out. Petitions are nice and are helpful in effecting some kind of change, but I'm really not interested in being polite about this anymore. I am dedicated to figuring it out. I encourage you to do the same. Maybe I will see you and celebrate alongside you in a place where our paths converge.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Seriously Folks...

For that reason, I find it very fitting that I am re-dedicating myself to my blog on the night before the scheduled execution of Troy Davis. If you don't know who this young man is, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with his case, develop an opinion, and perhaps find ways to be vocal about what is going on. It only takes a minute to sign a petition or make a phone call. You can contact the Chatham County's District Attorney's office at the following numbers:
Monday, May 16, 2011
Science Confirms What You Were Already Thinking: Black Women Showl Is Ugly
This poem later went on to become somewhat infamous. It now lives in my book, Five-Three and Rising. It has terrorized many a Black man in it's day. I rarely read it anymore, but when I do, it entertains me thoroughly.
Yesterday, Psychology Today published an article entitled "Why Are Black Women Rated Less Physically Attractive Than Other Women, But Black Men Are Rated Better Looking Than Other Men?". As you probably guessed, it talks about the reasons why Black women are generally ugly, especially in comparison to women of other races. In fact, we're so ugly, we're less attractive than men. That explains why I couldn't get a date for 5 years straight. Well, that and the fact that I'm a bald headed abomination. Thank you, Psychology Today for clearing all of this up for me. Now I can go eat my watermellon in peace.
Anyway, here's the poem. If you had not yet experienced it, you have that silly article to thank. Enjoy.
Dear Black Men,
It has recently come to my attention
that you think
I ain't shit
Imagine tha shock and dissapointment
I experienced
When I realized that all this time
I been walkin around here
with eyes
So ridiculously brown,
They've actually been scientifically identified
as "Attention Resistant"
Which would explain why
They all but refuse to be gazed into
Research led me to discover that I'm not tha only one
Plagued with this terrible condition
Which, apparently
originated in tha same place AIDS did
And there are women all over tha world
Suffering from tha same incurable affliction
Of brown-eyed-ness
As of now, no anctedote exists
Centers for Disease Control is working on it
But in tha meantime,
These melanin infested eyes of mine
Are so run of tha mill
That you cant help but feel
And trying to admire
or even acknowlege them
In tha slightest bit
Has left you tired on levels never before experienced
and unwilling to make any further attempts
and I must say I understand
I mean, why bother
with eyes that ain't even blue
or at least green?
Hell, hazel would be an improvement
Its a wonder I can even see with these
raggedy things
and one would think
That I would atleast
Hav tha decency
To wear colored contacts
When in your company
Whut tha fuck is wrong with me?
And why hav I been trippin so hard?
And for so long?
Really, I marvel at your ability
To put up with me
At all
Black men, I am so very sorry
My hair
Is so very nappy
I just never realized all tha pain it caused you
Until tha other day
When I caught a glimpse of these kinks
and stubborn twists
In tha mirror
And I must say,
It was unsightly
To say tha very least
I would even go as far as to say
That it bordered on frightening
How do I expect you
To run your fingers
Through this audacious barbwire maze?
This shit ain't luxurious!
It ain't even fair to you
And tho I was offeneded at first
I now realize that
Whut Don Imus had to say
Was merely based on an observation
That man's statement was rooted in truth
We ARE some nappy headed hoes
And just to think
That I was walkin around here, oblivious
When tha proof
Was all up and thru my scalp
And all around my edges
Is too shameful
For me to even contemplate
Clearly, tha nape of my neck is in dire need
Of some attention
From a hot pressing comb
I'm wrong.
Black men,
How hav you managed to maintain your sanity
Under these conditions?
Where do you get tha energy
To keep up with me
When I'm dancing
On beat?
How did you develop tha fortitude
That allows you to deal
With all this unnecessary
black girl attitude?
I mean, I'm aware
I reach new levels
of irreverence, everyday
Parading around
In this dark skin
With these big lips
and this massive mouth
That, despite my sincerest efforts
Won't allow itself to be toned down
Turned off or tuned out
I won't shrink, straighten or fade
And despite many colonialist's efforts
As rapists
It appears my blackness
Remains relatively undiluted
Which leads me to believe that
Tha only possible solution
To this rampant outbreak of blackness
Is for you to keep on persuing
White women
(and females of other exotic ethnic origins)
With tha fervor
And tireless dilligence
That only a black man
Can exhibit
And in tha meantime...
I realize
That despite my dedication to you
I will never be white
But, brutha...
For you
Tha least a sista can do
Is try
Nikki Blak
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
To fully emerge
From your protective cocoon
Of baby fat
And pastel pink swaddling
There were grown men
Testing strength of all manner
Of tether and chain link
Compromising boundaries
Constructed to keep you out
Of harms way
More than an arm's length worth
Of laws were enacted
To protect your flesh
From paws and fangs
But these men
Can't rest properly
Until they have
Touched you innappropriately
They were choking themselves
On their collars
Jumping their fences, rabid
Once they picked up
Cotton candy scent of girl
Fluttering above the baseline
Of a tattle tale breeze
They couldn't stop the razors
In their mouths
From flashing
Couldn't extinguish
A growl sparking
In the back of their throats
Tragic endings in our
Ugliest folklore never
Hinted at this manner of savage
Didn't paint images of the broken bodies
Young women will be trapped in
After they have been hunted
We were unaware that a child
Could elicit such a reaction
Never knew female
Could cause
Such a frenzy
Just by being born
Little girls don't understand
Anything about "sexy"
A language
Foreign and unnecessary
Stilt legs, uncoordinated
8 pm bedtime sleepy eyes
And breath with
The stench of milk
Clinging to new teeth
Like a memory
Even before you were able
To fully emerge
From your protective cocoon
Of baby fat
And pastel pink swaddling
There were men imagining
All of your private parts
Laying awake, waiting for you
Enginering erections in your honor
When your mother hadn't even
Decided what she wanted to
Call you
Claiming you
Before you knew
Who you were
They have scheduled your abduction
Timed it according to
Your birthday
The pulse of their footsteps
The amount of times they knocked
Before the door swung open
How often they looked
In the neighbor's window
Before the urge grew too wild
To wrangle
A chapter and a verse
Some other arbitrary number
Anything to attribute meaning
Justify everything wrong
They will blame you
When really
It's what they wanted to do
Long before you
Stopped believing in Santa Claus
There isn't a chord in a song
That flips the undisturbed switches
When played in reverse
There is no camera angle
In a film scene that lights
A psychological fuse
There is no magnet in the well
Of your belly
You are not a star
Collapsing into itself
You simply
Didn't know your period
From a comma
Confused it for a tadpole
In Times New Roman type face
Wedged between words
To slow the pace
Of a run on sentence
That you did not co-author
You cannot pump the breaks
When your feet won't
Reach the petals
Your mother's womb
Was no green house
So, no wonder you never got
A chance to bloom
Sunlight didn't get ahold of you
Before an uncle's hands did
We can't handle it
Adults expect you to know as much
As they do
When you are not yet ready
For these lessons
On a standardized test
You were asked to
Classify the part of speech
Under which the word "preditor" falls
You had no answer
And we respond with
More than an arm's length worth
Of laws, illequipped to catch you
Tight roping alone
You navigate the long walk home,
While vultures halo
Over your head
A slow moving mobile
Above the cradle of a middle school
Playground and soccer field
It is 2 pm
And you are not even
Dead, yet
Monday, April 25, 2011
Coincides with laundry day
And whether or not
I have shaved my legs
Your palms, familiar
With my stubble
And all manner of unkempt
It seems you have not paid attention
To much of my imperfect
Us, unclothed
Limbs and torsos
Piled on top of
Sheets that we have tinted
Our particular shade of human
We sure do know how
To un-make a bed
Those pillows never stood a chance
So smart,
The comforter threw itself
On the floor
When it saw us
Stumbling in
Blinded by eachother
Connected at the lips
I wonder
Do your strings quiver
In a manner similar
To the shake of my thighs
When I am walking to
The bathroom naked?
Will the dimples in my hips
Become a lyric?
Have you uncovered a song
In the basement of my spine?
You know,
The spot touched by you
So often
The flesh has molded
To the curve of your fingers
My birthmarks
Indistinguishable from
Your handprints
I admit
I have found
Poems in your eyes
I keep myself busy
Trying to transcribe them
Everyday, I am rebuilding myself
Into a home for you
A fresh coat of paint
And well kept
Somethin' pretty for you to
Look at
'Cause you deserve
All manner of fancy
That I can afford
Every luxury that I
Can offer
All the amazing
I can manufacture
All of the food
That I can cook
Stay here
If you ignore the stubble
On my legs
We can wash the laundry
Sheets that we have tinted
Our particular shade of human
You've got a smile
That I did not have to earn
We have heirloom hearts
That still kick
In the middle of
All of this mess
You do not need permission
To love me thoroughly
On Human Beings?
I met you on my
birthday. If you were my gift
I need that receipt
Smelling like sex
Talking too loud
Looking like love
All kinds of colored
No one needs to hold hands
We talk with ours
No one knows their sun signs
We are stars
We, animals
Sequined eyes and feathers to match
A flock of angels
Out for the night
Too much living
Collected under our nails
Got us restless
We have seen enough moons
To tell you all about the waves
We make our own history
We ain't chasing shit
We just spin these webs and chill
Look pretty
And wait
For something to come along
Fat enough
To sink our teeth into
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The extra 10 pounds
Your smart mouth
The new way you decided
To wear your hair
How you lopped it all off
Loc'd it all up
Took the weave out
With no care or concern
As to what his preference might be
The fact that you ain't keep
A clean house
But your shit was always messy
And he knew that from jumpstreet
Clutter on the coffee table
Didn't keep him
From putting his feet up
On that bitch
So let's be more realistic about
What is and isn't his own
Personal problem, versus your
Predisposition toward imperfection
In all things
Ask him why he doesn't
Address the actual issue
Why he will pick and choose
Which of your traits are acceptable
And what he can't tollerate
A man with a God complex
Would rather create a mate
Than find one
Maybe you two
Should date other people
Since it is apparent
That you can't live up
To his standards
Either that
Or lay down
So you can get
On his level
Most in the morning
Cold tiles
And a front door
Painted with sun
All of the plants
Finally dozing
Their quiet conversations
From the night before
Suspended in the air
Orbiting our heads
Collecting themselves
At base boards
And behind bookshelfs
To be ignored
Or mistaken for dust
Scent of hair and skin
Snaking itself into
A labyrinth cave of lungs
Each eager mouth
A pore and crack
In floor and wall
The hulk of my sofa
An inanimate animal
The heater's warmth
A second ceiling
The tick of
An oscilating fan
Turning it's caged face
To see you waking
tripple blade whiring tongue
Translating the language of
Last night's open window
Left unattended
A report of the day's first
News story
In which a neighbor
Exits his own apartment
For work
Clock hands twist
A familiar routine
In well timed celebration
These extinguished porch lights
All watching eyes
Audience of sparrows
Cats with no homes
Gated dogs that bark
Because of nothing at all
And for every little thing
Chipped paint
Dust at a threshold
A vacant window sill
Wishing to be seen
Books that look at you,
Spiders we do not kill
Because they do the work
We refuse
I am thankful
For a much awaited morning
Exhaling all around us
For this magical box
I heartbeat inside of
And most of all
For the unruly horizon
Who stretches
Her naked body
Across a soft, bare
Mattress of sky
Friday, April 8, 2011
Dearest Adam, I
am still waiting to be tucked
away in your beard
That he was not the one
Our rambunctious brood of
Hypothetical, yet to be
Concieved babies
Gathered around a small
Open window in the
cloud covered floor of heaven
And whimpered, looking down
At us breaking up
Realizing that they
Would never
Get to be born
Because they were never
Meant to be
Such poor babies
Pitiful little cherub faces
Banished to non-existence
For all eternity
What a shame
Little So-And-So
And Whats-Her-Name
Never even had a chance
How a romance can
Stumble on a starlit rooftop
And fall to it's death
What a freak accident
This incompatibility is
Unfortunate to meet eachother
In costumes that most accurately
Portray our ugliest characteristics
It would be better to roam
The streets naked
Answer yes, always
Swim with the bossy current
And never ripple waves
Not even to signal for help
Once my lungs get thirsty
I am a woman
Little time afforded to my species
For things like
What we really want
And what we plan to do
We choose early
Self development or
Child rearing
Or a home
With arms enough
To hold you in
The most basic
And very simple things
Every option, delicious
But a decision
Like a promise
You can never go back on
There is a scroll
Of childrens' names
Lodged in the back
Of your throat
That may never
be excavated while you
Are still alive
Thousands of years
After you have died
Archaologists will unearth it
And the scroll's subjects
Will whimper
As they watch
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Too big for my bed
I haven't had to share
My space in so long
I forgot what loving
Felt like
Flinch at hands
That caress
Without warning
A kiss on my neck
I did not calculate
A pull at my hips
Without permission
I traced my signature
On his back
So that he
Never again has to ask
I can claim him
A man
I might cut a bitch for
But won't have to
'Cause he ain't
Messy like that
I like that
I feel safe
For the first time
My memory will
Admit to
Stubborn elephant
Giant enough
To protect me on my own
I'm not one of those
Needy women, you know
I can carry things
Move furniture
Ride the train at night
I live in a house
Constantly creaking
And settling
Like my own bones do
Sometime I don't know
How to sit down
Allow a man
To work at this
Allow a man
To reflex
To hold
His hands, big enough
His ripened heart
All ready for the bulk
Of me, unabridged
Frictions these fingers
To a forest of bone
Grey matter gone numb
I be thinkin' too much
No ideas left
Right mind, non-directional
My art
Selects sides
Each night I blueprint
A map of my imagination
Silhouette shaped like pangea
Ripped the top from Pandora's box
To discover where the wild things are
Created a character play list
To listen to
My favorite sterotypes reenacted
Heart and head
In constant conflict
Gaza Strip esophogus
I cannot hieroglyph a language
To prevent a dumbing down
Pig Latin is no option
I got a warrant
And I like my freedom
Gonna post a help wanted sign
In sills of my eyes
And sleep walk into the night
Looking for a runaway poem
A lost love
Easier to recover
Sock vanished in dryer
Glitch in the Matrix
I have seen it
I have unplugged my tv
And transformed into
A well read woman
How can I anchor
My ideas to Earth
Once I've inhaled these fine lines?
Higher than a bird
Black as a raven
And a skilled hunter am I
So hungry
I have broken a book's spine before
And I swear to God
I will do it again
Monday, April 4, 2011
Hurt yourself before
Remember themselves
On these nights
When your phone
Does not move
And your hands
have been holding
Only each other
All you own is air
And the dull
Ache of teeth
Clenched too long
Your body knows itself
No one else
This is happening
A warning you tried
To wish away
A sturdy boomerang
Days that unfold themselves
At your feet like a cadaver unraveling
This is the life that belongs to you
The life you fucked and tried
To get rid of
The life that wants your love
And won't take "no"
For an answer
It stalks
Hides in the dark
Waits for you
Knife wielding
Homicidal on good days
Your wounds smile
Your reflection on the blade
A deconstructed face
Eyes you cannot decode
Your body
Swaddled tight
In a cocoon of scaffolds
We are what he intended
Us with our percussion footsteps
With our gleaming trumpets
With these lungs
With these mouths
My body, a clef
His nautilus ears
A many chambered masterpiece
And all the World
Altered, added, suspended
We were born knowing how
To prism these chords
Marry triad to rustling wind
Weave between these trees, standing
Tambourine the leaves, changing
To know the difference
To modify the time
To open the corridors
Of our throats
Forever and ever
And never have to sleep
Or wonder
We are unrelenting
8 count enough to fill a glass
Thunder enough to break it's back
Hands enough to carry it
Destroy again
We, symphony of hearts
Bleed riffs
Like the ancients
And our mothers' mothers
Their eyes, notation
Captured in our collective memory
Like rainwater
Like morning
Like the tingle of sunlight
Coloring us green
Growing us big
Tuning our guitar string veins
Vibrating our bones
Puzzling us into gifts shaped like children
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
National Poetry Month 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Red Stories

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Get Into THIS

This is DJ Jedi. He is my friend. He's also a helluva DJ and musical connoisseur. He has a podcast and creates amazing mixes, which you can find here. They're all the hellified shit, but the one that I recommend most and am currently obsessed with is his COVERS mix. If you have musical taste that delves deeper than Nicki Minaj and Katy Perry, you could quite possibly fall in lust with it, just as I have. It is gorgeous, and I thank Jedi for once again working hard for the muthafuckin' money. You better treat him right.
Monday, January 10, 2011
The Way It Is

All I have for you is a half-hearted apology, and that's about it. I'm sorry. On June 6th, my only nephew, my sister's only son, my mother's only grandson was murdered. He was 19, had not yet lived, and so we all -- my sister, mother, nieces, his father, paternal grandmother, other aunts, and cousins and friends died, too. There wasn't much to care about, and the blog was the first to go. So... Sorry.